THE PHENOMENON of agate, mustika and gemstones had become a trend among collectors and antiques enthusiasts in 2015. It even had a boom. Even then it sinks. However, especially for true collectors, the existence of these agate stones does not recognize the term “boom” or “sink”, because generally they still exist and struggle with their hobby.
As revealed by Father Sigit Widodo, Drs.R.Sigit Widodo Nugrohadi,MM’s close nickname as a true collector, because for more than 30 years he has collected thousands of types of agate, especially heirloom agate which has a high selling value. “Because, collecting special agates, it turns out that there are many secrets that are kept. Even for those who believe, having agate or certain gems will bring (lucky) luck, and also for health. Moreover, the agate is an heirloom agate from the past,” he said
For this reason, said Father Sigit Widodo, it is not surprising that someone is competing to collect stones and gems with unique and rare shapes and colors. “The price was equal to that of a luxury car, making the agate as if being hunted. Not only because of its unique colors and patterns, but also because it is believed to be good luck and its usefulness,” explained this friendly man descended from PB 3 Keraton Surakarta.
Father Sigit Widodo, who has returned to various regions from Sabang to Merauke, admitted that in Indonesia, there are many areas that produce gemstones that are fairly popular. Various types of popular gemstones originating from the region include Idorcrase stones from Aceh and Padang. There are also Kalimaya stones originating from Banten, as well as amethysts and diamonds originating from Kalimantan. “These precious stones are classified based on their content and crystal quality. These precious stones have aesthetic and economic value.”
Throughout human civilization, according to him, precious stones are also used as a benchmark for social strata. The more precious stones you have, the higher your social rank, “Humans generally tend to like beautiful and shiny objects, such as gold, gems, and various metals and other precious stones.” . The goal is to emphasize that their social status is higher, “
Historically, Balinese culture was largely adapted from the island of Java, during the Majapahit era. The phenomenon of the revival of something that is considered a classic (renaissance), is indeed often the case. However, in its development it turned out that the function of precious stones began to change. Indeed, in Astrology, precious stones are used as a repellent against evil, or to prevent bad luck. However, not all are suitable for using certain types of precious stones,” he said.
The phenomenon of this precious stone reflects a poem in the Kekawin Ramayana, which says: Sakwehning mulya kabeh, kanaka rajata and manik hanang kana. Yangken untunia maputih, gumuyu guyung swarga sor denya. Sphantika manik tamalah – alah, suteja munggwing umah paninjowan. Kadi Gangga Saka Himawan, apparently Katon Sutejasri. That is, all noble objects, gold, silver and gems are there. Like white teeth lined up shining. It was as if he was laughing at Suargan, who had lost his sparkle by his gleam. The gem crystals are like incomparable, which looks like the Ganges River from Himawan looks shining beautifully.
In Kekawin Ramayana, according to Father Sigit Widodo, the excessive use of precious stones is like being insinuated through the stanza. That said, the light seemed to beat the light of Heaven. “Yes, it’s best not to use precious stones excessively,” he said
He also explained that there are several sources that record the functions and various types of precious stones according to their luck. One of the sources, namely the Caracan Mirah lontar. The Lontar contains the characteristics of precious stones that have good luck, or also called Maya beads (main ruby gems). “In the lontar it is stated that the main ruby at first glance looks like a thin line like grass in the middle of the water in a clear pot. So, if we look closely at the stone, we will see a thin line. If you find a stone with these characteristics, it is better to keep it. The Mirah Manik Maya stone is said to function as a guard against bad influences,” he explained.
According to him, not all stones have certain properties or fortune. “Maybe there are some precious stones or agates that really have benefits or advice. Like the Sedana Hair stone, which is said to be used as a tool of compassion. That is, if the stone is pasted. If you don’t have it, it means you don’t have any power,” he said.
As a collector of heirloom agate for more than 30 years, Father Sigit believes that every precious stone he owns has its own function and use. said the man who likes to pour from mountain to mountain
When asked whether there was a mystical experience when looking for these heirloom stones which are now in his collection? “Wow… that’s very often, especially stones resulting from manifestations of other nature in certain places, such as sacred tombs or former kingdoms, haunted ‘wingit’ mountains, patilasan petilasan and others.” concluded Drs. R. Sigit Widodo Nugrohadi, MM, one of the outstanding supernaturals who is also a member of the Indonesian Paranormal and Alternative Healing Family Forum (FKPPAI), so he also opened a medical and non-medical treatment practice with thousands of patients from various cities.
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From the results of his adventures to various regions in Indonesia, many of his heirlooms are special with “exorbitant” expensive selling values, some even become champions when participating in contests. Also, he has a ruby red mustika stone which is his mainstay (REDI MULYADI)****